
Learning to talk

Young children love it when you chat, play and read with them, even if you think they're too young to understand. Talk to your child about what you are doing throughout the day, point out things to them when you are out on a walk, make up songs about your daily routine. You can turn almost anything into a game. And every little thing you do together will help set them up nicely for the day they start school.

Remember, children learn to talk at different ages. If you are worried, pop in to your local Family Hub, speak to your health visitor or nursery key worker, or contact your local speech and language therapy service for advice.

Eye to eye contact

Eye to eye contact gets people talking.

From birth, your child loves to look at faces and will gaze into your eyes. Eye to eye contact is a powerful form of non-verbal communication between you and your child. It also helps to develop their social skills.

Hints and tips

  • Make eye contact with your child when you are talking. This helps them to pay attention and shows them you are listening.
  • Play peek-a-boo with your child when you are changing their nappy.
  • Have your child facing you when they are in their pushchair. You can talk about things you see when you are out and about.
  • Hold things your child likes next to your face to encourage them to give you eye contact.

I learn the most when you are around

Children learn to communicate better when you are face to face.

From birth babies love to look at your face. Being face to face helps children to listen, understand and copy you.

Hints and tips

  • To get your child’s attention, get down to their level and ask them to look at you.
  • Make funny faces for your child to copy e.g. stick your tongue out at them and they will try to copy what you are doing.
  • If your child is playing on the floor, sit on the floor with them and join in.
  • When your child is trying to tell you something, look at them so they know you are listening.
  • Try sitting opposite your child and roll a ball back and forth, say “ready, steady, go”.
  • Face your child and sing nursery rhymes. You can find some nursery rhymes here BBC tiny happy people: Nursery rhymes for babies.

The magic touch

Loving touch helps babies to feel secure. Skin to skin contact relaxes both you and your baby. It’s a special way for you to bond. You can’t spoil babies with too many cuddles.

Hints and tips

  • Get close to your baby, it helps them feel safe and helps you to get to know each other.
  • Hold your baby close when you sing and talk to them.
  • Sit your baby on your knee and look at books together.
  • Interact with your baby during the day with a smile, high five, tickle or cuddle.
  • Hold hands with your child when you are walking.

My home language is best for me

Talking to your child in the language you know best helps their brain grow.

Talking to your child in your home language will help them to be ready to learn another language when they go to school. Most people across the world speak more than one language, being bilingual is an advantage!

Hints and tips

  • If your child can talk confidently in their home language, learning a new language will be easier.
  • Your child likes it when you talk to them in your home language because you are more relaxed and confident.
  • It is fun to look at books and sing songs and rhymes in your home language because it’s familiar.
  • Don’t worry if your child can’t speak English when they start school, they will learn by listening and watching others. Let them hear English whilst out and about but don’t force them to speak it.
  • Your child might talk less when they start school or nursery because they are tuning into what people are saying.
  • By learning your home language your child will be able to talk to everyone in your family and community... grandparents, aunties, uncles, etc..

Choices are chances

Offering your child choices gives them chances to communicate.

Offering your child choices helps them to let you know what they want and practice communicating with you. It also helps them to hear and learn new words and gives them chance to copy you.

Hints and tips

  • Hold out two items where your child can see but can’t quite reach and name them, e.g. ‘would you like an apple or banana?’
  • Pause and give your child chance to show you what they want.
  • Children might choose by looking with their eyes, reaching with their hands, pointing or saying the word.
  • Respond positively when your child makes a choice.
  • Help them to point if they can’t do this on their own yet.
  • Say the name of what they have chosen as you give it to your child, so they get lots of chances to learn the word.
  • If your child finds it tricky to choose one thing, offer them something you know they really like and something they are not interested in e.g. teddy and a spoon.
  • Choices can be used all through the day...
  • Play time: ‘shall we play with the car or ball?’
  • Getting dressed: ‘do you want the tiger t-shirt or the elephant t-shirt?’
  • Bed time story: ‘do you want the animal book or the tractor book?’

Songs and rhyme make talking time

Singing songs and rhymes together helps early language development.

Singing with your child is a great way for them to hear lots of speech sounds and words.

Hints and tips

  • You may not be a pop star, but your child loves to hear your voice the most.
  • Your child loves to hear the same songs over and over again.
  • Make singing fun for them by using lots of actions and different voices.
  • Your child loves it when you make up your own songs based on the things they like.
  • It’s fun to make free musical instruments out of everyday objects like saucepans and spoons or plastic bottles filled with dry pasta or rice.

Sow the seed to read

Reading stories together from birth helps your child’s brain grow.

Looking at books together is fun and a great way for your child to develop new words.

Hints and tips

  • Look at the pictures in books and talk to your child about what you can see.
  • Children love to hear their favourite stories over and over again.
  • Share bedtime stories with your child, this helps them to relax and they love the extra cuddles.
  • Encourage your child to turn the pages and point to the things they recognise. Help them learn the names of things in the book.
  • Borrow free books from the local library or Family Hub.

Switch off to switch on

Limit TV and screen time to give children chance to communicate.

Turning off the TV and other devices will help your child to learn to listen and pay attention.

Hints and tips

  • It is easier for your child to talk and play if you switch the TV off and reduce background noise.
  • Choose a few TV programmes for you to watch together and talk to your chiild about what is happening.
  • Take care to choose the right kind of programme or game for your child’s age.
  • The best way for your child to learn is by playing and talking with you. You are better than any device.
  • When you are out and about, talk about what you can see and what you are doing.
  • When your child gets home from nursery, talk to them about what they have done, rather than watching TV or using devices.
  • Turn the TV off if no-one is watching it. Constant background noise can slow your child’s language development.

The best toy your child can have is you

Talking and playing together helps your child develop. You are better than any toy! Talk to your baby about the world and join in with their play.

Hints and tips

  • Talk to your baby about what's happening when you are out and about.
  • Tell them the names of object and talk about what you are doing together.

The best things in life are free

Learning to communicate is one of the most important skills your child will develop. Talking with your child about the world around them is a great way for children to develop their language.

Hints and tips

  • Play games such as ‘I-spy’. For younger children, play ‘I-spy’ with objects, e.g. ‘I-spy with my little eye a tree.’
  • While you are doing things around the house talk about what you are doing, e.g. take the plates to the table, put the washing in the washer.
  • Whilst on a walk, go on a bug hunt and see what creatures you can find. Ask your children what they can see. Do they know the names of the creatures? What colour are they? How many legs do they have?
  • Make a shopping list with your child and talk about the items as you walk around the shop. Why not create picture lists for your child and ask them to find the items on the list?

Take it out so I'll speak out

Over use of dummies and bottles can affect speech and language development. Speech and language practitioners and health professionals recommend that dummies and bottles are not used after 12 months of age.

If your child still uses a dummy after their first birthday:

  • They may not be able to practise saying words.
  • They may learn to say sounds the wrong way as their tongue can not move properly.
  • They may dribble which can cause a rash on their chin.
  • They may pick up more ear and throat infections.
  • Their teeth and the top of their mouth may not grow into the right shape.

Hints and tips

  • Before you give them a dummy, try to work out why your baby is crying. They may need changing or feeding or might just need a cuddle.
  • If your child does have a dummy, never let them talk with it in.
  • When your child is playing take their dummy away.
  • Instead of having a dummy try giving your baby another comforter, for example, a soft toy or blanket.
  • Your child will find it easier to become ‘dummy free’ when there are no other big changes happening in their life.
  • Make giving up the dummy a positive experience by sending it to Santa/Dummy Fairy, giving it to a new baby or swapping it for a new toy.
  • It might not be easy for either you or your child at first but once their dummy has gone do not give it back to them and make sure that there are no other dummies for them to find. Try another way of comforting your child, e.g. cuddling them.

When to seek advice

If you have concerns about your child's communication and language development you can: visit a Family hub, contact your health visitor, contact the Stoke-on-Trent Visiting HUB (0300 303 3298), contact 'ChatHealth' text 07312277161, speak to your GP or visit Staffordshire and Stoke speech, language and communication journey.