Healthy relationships

Relationships with your partner during pregnancy

A lot changes when you are pregnant and there will be a lot of emotions from you and your partner.

If you give time and attention to each other during pregnancy, you will be able to give better support to one another. You can strengthen your relationship as a couple by:

  • Talking about your feelings, fears, hopes and responsibilities
  • Spending quality time together
  • Going to parenting groups where you can get expert advice and talk to other expectant parents

As parents to be, its best to talk to each other often and openly and share your feelings. Be honest with each other about how you are feeling. This can help you understand each-other’s hopes, expectations and problems throughout the pregnancy.

Conversations with your partner

There are a number of different conversations you can have with your partner, for example:

Your feelings about pregnancy

  • What are your feelings as a pregnant person or your feelings as a partner? You should talk about feeling tired, excited, overwhelmed or any other feelings that you are having
  • Are you worried about anything about your pregnancy?
  • Talk about how you feel about the timing of your pregnancy and how it will affect the rest of your lives
  • Talk about how you are feeling about sex and intimacy during your pregnancy

Roles and responsibilities

  • Talk about how you will share parenting responsibilities like bathing, dressing and putting the baby to bed
  • How do you feel about going back to work after you have had your baby?
  • How much time will you spend doing washing, cooking and cleaning?
  • How will you create a good work-life balance with a baby?
  • What responsibilities will make you feel the most happy?

Hopes as parents

  • How do you want to be parents? What parenting styles will you follow and how will you bond with your baby?
  • What values do you want your child to learn?
  • Are there traditions important to you that you want to pass to your child?
  • Are there any skills or activities you would like your child to do or learn?
  • Are there any important people you want to be involved with your child?
  • Do you want your child to grow up religious?

Working on relationship skills during pregnancy

Your relationship will continue to grow during your pregnancy so its important to remember to work together to keep developing your skills together. Pregnancy is a good time to work on skills like:

  • Listening – letting each other know what you need and not interrupting or assuming what they are going to say. Pregnancy can be difficult so being aware of what is being said is important.
  • Problem solving – work together to come to solutions on problems. You’re more likely to get good results from issues if you work together.
  • Conflict management – be aware of each-others feelings and work together to find peaceful ends to conflict.

Your social life

Your social life will definitely be changed by your pregnancy. You should talk to your friends about your situation and if you want to continue to have an active social life while you are pregnant you should tell them! Sometimes pregnant people lose out on their social life because their friends assume they don’t want to go out when pregnant, but it’s important to tell your friends about what you are comfortable doing during your pregnancy. Don’t be shy about asking to do things that are more comfortable with you.