
Key information on this page includes:
Adult education
We ofer learning opportunities for adults who live in Stoke-on-Trent and are aged 19 upwards. For more information click here: Adult education - Stoke-on-Trent.
Our wide range of courses can help you get new skills and re-connect with learning. Courses can help you follow an interest, grow in confidence, achieve a qualification, or prepare for employment.
There are a range of workshops and courses in the following areas:
- Online courses.
- ICT (information communication technology).
- Maths and English functional skills.
- Leisure and pleasure courses.
Preparing for adulthood
Most young people move through their teenage years without additional support outside of their family or education support, however others need more help and it will continue beyond the age of 19 until the young person is 25.
Planning or preparing for adulthood is a term used to describe this time in your life, as you move from being a child to a young adult.
It helps to start thinking about this transition early. If you have an education, health and care plan (EHCP), this preparation should be included in your annual review from year 9.
If you do not have an EHCP it is still important to start preparing early so you have time to think and plan what you want to do in the future. Your school or college can support you and your family.
All schools or education settings should provide career guidance for their pupils and should start to support preparing for adulthood as early as possible.